A touching farewell letter


A few days ago, I received a hand-written letter from Kataboi. Kataboi is a child in the LODWAR Area Development Project in Nairobi, Kenya that I sponsored for a number of years. The LODWAR project is coming to an end, having finished the process of achieving self sufficiency. Kataboi wrote me to thank me for his uniform, books, net, construction of classrooms, and the many other benefits he received through the program.

It was touching to receive this letter. To know that I had made a difference in Kataboi’s life. To know that the project had come to fruition and the Kataboi’s community could now move forward on their own. To know that the cycle of poverty had been broken. To know the hopes and prayers of this community have been realized. I can only imagine the pride that members of this community must now have because of all the hard work they have done over the past several years and the milestone they have achieved.

Although I will no longer be a part of Kataboi’s life, I take comfort from knowing that life in his community will never be the same, and that I played a small part in bringing about that change. It also means I can now sponsor another child, in another community, and give the gift of hope once again. Just think, some day I will receive another farewell letter from another child, once again marking a wonderful milestone as their community also achieves self-sufficiency. I look forward to that letter!


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