Back to “normal”?


It was a busy, exciting, fulfilling week in Haiti. I am now back home, and back to “normal”. But what is this “normal”? Somehow normal does not feel the same as before I left for Haiti.

I notice a lot of the little things. After a week in Haiti, I have to remind myself I can drink water from a tap, I can eat fresh green salads, and I can safely walk down any street. It is these little things which are most obvious. They really make me appreciate what we have here in Canada.

But there are other, more subtle differences. After being in Haiti, my life in Canada looks….different. What was normal before, looks a little less normal now. I now take a fresh look at my life – what I do, how I live, what I possess. When I travel to Haiti, many people are very happy even though they have very little in terms of material possessions. It makes me realize the most important things in life are my relationships, not my possessions. What do I spend my time on? What do I buy? I find myself re-thinking my life.

Maybe it is time for a new “normal”?


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