Feb 23 (part 2) – Visit to Cobocol ADP


Once we checked into the hotel, we were off to visit the Cobocol ADP. Finally, after waiting over a year, we got to visit the community we had partner with through FreddyLink. It was about 45 minutes from Hinche over rough dirt roads. One person in the group commented that once we got back to New Brunswick, they would never complain about potholes again!

Once we arrived, we had the most amazing welcome! We were greeted by a welcome banner, music by the community band, short speeches of introduction, even the playing of our Canadian national anthem! Amazing! I have never before received a welcome like this.

We then went inside to meet with the Cobocol ADP staff. The staff described with great pride their roles and accomplishments. It was so great to hear how much has been done to bring a community structure to the area, and to hear about advances in education, health and agriculture, topics we would see in more detail later. Until now, we had only an idea of the Cobocol ADP – through these discussions, we came to put a face to the community and to know the ADP staff as people, and to really appreciate what they have accomplished.

Later, we met with some members of local government. It was interesting to hear how the activities of World Vision have been integrated with those of local government to the benefit of the community.

The rest of the day included a tour of the vocational facilities. First, a visit to the wood-working area where youth 18-30 years of age gain practical training leading to a trade. I was impressed by the hand-carving of a design in the head-board for a bed.

There was also an area where sewing is being taught. Young women learn practical and valuable skills that can be used to develop a career.

We also saw their library, and a tree nursery project. It was great to see so many activities go on which are of such value to the community.

It was a full and wonderful day! What will tomorrow bring? I cannot wait to find out!


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