It was a great pleasure for me last week to meet with Robert Gray, Senior Pastor for the Guildford Church of the Nazarene in Surrey, British Columbia. Robert has been working with Dave Klassen, who has been focusing on social justice issues in their church, and with Elizabeth Wiebe of World Vision Canada to develop a new initiative to help support youth at risk in their community. They had heard about FreddyLink, and were exploring options for applying the FreddyLink model to their community.
While still in the early stages of development, I found it exciting and encouraging to hear the passion these people have for helping children in their community while at the same time helping children internationally. I was very happy to pass on what advice and encouragement i could to assist such a wonderful cause.
Can you imagine what would happen if every community in Canada supported youth at risk in their own community, and children in need internationally? When we work together as communities of caring people, we CAN change the world !!