Area Development Programs, or ADPs, are the way in which World Vision delivers long term community development in Haiti, and around the world. World Vision identifies communities in severe poverty, and over the course of about 15 years, takes the community from poverty to self sufficiency. This proven approach takes place in three phases.
In the first phase, World Vision engages the community and develops trust. A community structure is developed, one that gives the community a voice. The community then develops a plan, tailored to meet the specific needs of their community, that will identify their path to self sufficiency.
In phase 2, the community members implement their plan with the support and encouragement of World Vision. This approach empowers community members, encourages them to take on responsibility for their community, and develops leadership skills.
In the final phase, World Vision support is phased out, and community members take on full responsibility for their community. The end result is a community which is now self sufficient.
This community based development model is funded through child sponsorship. When you sponsor a child through World Vision, you donation goes to support the community development plan for the ADP in which your child lives. This ensures that your donation will have a lasting impact, by helping bring an entire community to self sufficiency.