Do you sponsor a child through FreddyLink and World Vision? Did you know you can give a gift directly to the family of your sponsored child? It is easy to do. Simply click here to download a form, complete the form, and mail it in. A social worker from World Vision will meet with the family of your sponsored child to find out how your gift can best bless their family. Once the family receives your gift, you will get a letter and a photo to show how your gift helped the family.
Anne-Marie Hood sent a gift of $100 to the family of her sponsored child. She was delighted to receive a letter from Dakenlove, her sponsored child in Cocobol, Haiti who indicated that the money was used to purchase a female goat, a white blouse, jean skirt and shoes. Remaining money was used to purchase food for the family. Anne-Marie said “I feel so blessed to be able to meet the personal needs of Dakenlove and her family through World Vision. I encourage others who have this opportunity to do the same.”
This Christmas, why not give a gift directly to the family of your sponsored child? You will be glad you did!