Get to know your ADPs: UDICC


UDICC is the second area Development Program, or ADP, that FreddyLink partnered with. Like COBOCOL, UDICC is a mostly rural community in the central plateau area of Haiti. The difference is that UDICC also includes the town of Cerca Carvajal. This ADP started a couple of years after COBOCOL, and is of similar size, with a total of about 3,500 children sponsored at its peak. The name UDICC come from Unity, Development, Integrity, Cerca-Carvajal.

I have many wonderful memories of our visits to UDICC. One visit in particular really touched me. We were treated to a series of performances by the youth of the ADP, including dance, music and poetry. We also all received a gift of a painting. It was from meeting them and hearing their stories that I gained an important insight into how World Vision works.

The approximately 15 year cycle of community development really represents a generation. World Vision effectively works with the local community to transform an entire generation of children. They receive an education, proper nutrition and medical care, and develop leadership skills. These are the future community leaders, rising from within the community, that lead their community into a self-reliant and vibrant future.

UDICC will also be graduating soon. It has been a real blessing to partner with this community over the years, and we are confident they will be blessed with a wonderful future.


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