Child sponsorship through World Vision is a wonderful experience which allows you to connect on a personal level with an individual child. It is so rewarding to receive pictures and letters from our sponsored children. The sponsorship experience can last for many years, and it can feel like a real loss when it comes to an end.
There are many reasons why child sponsorship can come to an end. It may simply be that the child is now old enough that they are no longer sponsored, or it may be that the family has moved out of the area supported by the Area Development Program (or ADP) that takes care of the sponsorship.
The end of a child sponsorship may also signal good news! When the community in the ADP achieves self sufficiency, the child sponsorships are no longer needed to support the community and are phased out over time. For example, the COBOCOL ADP in Haiti has come to the end of their community development process, and the child sponsorships have been ending slowly over the past year or so while the community is in transition.
When your child sponsorship ends, World Vision will contact you, and offer you another child to sponsor. If you sponsor a child in Haiti through World Vision and FreddyLink, you should be offered another child living in Haiti. If not, you can contact Bernie Zebarth at FreddyLink at and we will make sure you are offered a child to sponsor in Haiti. All new sponsorships in Haiti through World Vision and FreddyLink are now in a new ADP called Morne Pelee. Morne Pelee is located near Cap Haitian on the north shore of Haiti.
We have helped the Area Development Programs of COBOCOL and of UDICC make the long journey from extreme poverty to self sufficiency. What a wonderful achievement that we are all proud to be a part of! Now we turn our focus to the Area Development Program of Morne Pelee as they too begin the long journey to self sufficiency. Join us in making a lasting difference in this community as they too break free from the cycle of poverty.